Friday, November 07, 2008

Multi-Colored Thread Ties Community-Post

A quick look at the WSDOT traffic congestion map in the left column, for I-5 as it threads its way between Fort Lewis and the Lakewood-DuPont community often looks a remnant from Joseph's multi-colored coat.

However, it doesn't evoke envy.

At Wednesday's (11-05-08) regular meeting, RAMP looked at Lakewood's efforts to rescue this increasingly congested section of I-5 from the pit to which it has been cast. Melvin Austin, Chief of Base Security and Access Control shared with RAMP attendees the data on those going into the post. He was clear that his concerns were with security, not being a traffic engineer, but that he worked closely and cooperatively with WSDOT. And, he has similar concerns on post with the end-of-day exodus.

With the problem defined, Ellie Chambers-Grady and Dan Penrose, City of Lakewood, briefed RAMP attendees on the draft OEA (Office of Economic Adjustment)/Department of Defense grant they are preparing. (This grant application is the first of part of two components Lakewood is seeking, the second taking a comprehensive focus on community impacts from Ft. Lewis's growth.)


  1. Transportation alternatives analysis

  2. Operational traffic model
    assessment of current traffic conditions
    determine future transportation needs of the expected population increase
    determine short term and long term priorities within the study area
    identify resource needs and potential sources
    provide a coordinated action plan

  3. Project will be coordinated with the assistance of Washington State DOT

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