Sound Transit relies on the oversight and expertise from the dedicated and independent group of volunteers who make up the Citizen Oversight Panel (COP). The COP helps the agency plan, build and operate the regional mass transit system. The COP was created in 1997 to independently monitor Sound Transit and make sure it meets its commitments to build and operate a regional bus, light rail and commuter rail transit system. Voters approved local funding for the system in November 1996 and then again for major expansions in 2008.
The 15 COP members represent a variety of interests, professional expertise and experience. Sound Transit actively seeks to include persons from diverse backgrounds and professional areas of expertise to support agency oversight, planning and operations. Persons of color and women are encouraged to apply. The COP meets twice monthly during normal business hours and acts as an independent oversight entity by digging into agency details, asking hard questions and reporting its findings to the Sound Transit Board of Directors.
To Qualify You Must:
- Be a registered voter within the Sound Transit District
- Reside and/or work in King County, Pierce County or Snohomish County within the Sound Transit district boundary
- Have experience/skills in one or more areas of expertise related to the panel's responsibilities-business and finance management, engineering, large projects construction management, public facilities and service, government processes, and public policy development or review
- Be able to attend meetings twice each month during normal business hours.
To Apply:
Submit both a one-page letter and a resume to Aaron Reardon, Sound Transit Board Chair, 401 South Jackson Street, Seattle, WA 98104-2826. The materials should be received by December 30, 2010.
The letter should include:
- Brief statement of interest in serving on the panel
- Specific qualifications for serving on the panel
- Highlights of related experience and expertise
Appointment Process:
Copies of all letters and resumes will be provided to the Sound Transit Board for its review. The Board's Executive Committee will review the nominations and recommend candidates. The Board of Directors will confirm the appointments.
Please contact Bruce Gray at 206-398-5069 or with any questions or concerns.